It was a beautiful night for a little hike up Sugar Loaf Mountain~
My Life
One picture, one story at a time
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Well Balanced
I was driving home down our dirt road, and glanced over at the two track going through the woods. The Sun shinning through really grabbed me. I had to go home, get my camera and walk back for a few shots. A little balance of lightness and was so peaceful.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Take Time
While walking along the shore of Lake Michigan, I looked down and saw this perfectly heart shaped shell laying there, it slowed me down and I enjoyed the moment a little more because of it. Thank you God for placing it there~
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Dancing in the rain
Mother Load Wk 6 Layout
Here's what it reads:
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. It took me 5 minutes to find the "notes" tab.
2. It took me another 2 minutes to find the start new note button.
3. This is my SECOND attempt at this, I lost the first one after #13 by hitting some button somehow.
4. I suffer from "sometimers". (sometimes I remember things, sometimes I don't!)
5. My proudest accomplishment is being a mom and I pray I did a good job.
6. I LOVE being a Grandma! (and pray I do a good job at that too!)
7. I also LOVED being an Air Force Wife for 26 years.
8. My favorite assignment of all is a tie between Alaska and Florida. Alaska/Florida..figure that one out?
9. While living in Alaska , I became addicted to Stamping!
10. I'm pretty good at "caseing" off of
11. I learned early on that "there are 2 sides to every piece of paper".
12. I so ADMIRE my friend Shelly and all the Army wives who have to put up with such long deployments.
13. I spend way too much time on the computer now that I have wireless!
14. I don't miss the alarm going off each and every morning!
15. Winter is NOT my favorite season.
16. I always dreamed of living in a log home on a lake and now feel so Blessed to live in a log sided home within walking distance to a lake!
17. I had my SLR camera for 3 years before I discovered that it has an AUTOMATIC FOCUS button on it! (Thanks Diana and Penny!)
18. I'm the only one in my family in "my right mind" (yes, I'm a lefty)
19. I'm a wino....not really, but a do enjoy a glass, or two...or heck, who counts?
20. I like organization, but I'm not very organized.
21. I HATE Meijer, but still do not miss the commissary.
22. I am very afraid of hights, and like to be on smooth terrain. ( we figured out , while living in AK, that the reason for this must be that I must have been a dall sheep who fell off the mountain in another life!)
23. I'm sick of listening to the "Digital TV transistion" commercials, willl they just switch already!
24. I did not vote for Obama, but I pray he's the greatest president we've ever had, cause we need that now.
25. I can't believe I finally made it to 25!
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. It took me 5 minutes to find the "notes" tab.
2. It took me another 2 minutes to find the start new note button.
3. This is my SECOND attempt at this, I lost the first one after #13 by hitting some button somehow.
4. I suffer from "sometimers". (sometimes I remember things, sometimes I don't!)
5. My proudest accomplishment is being a mom and I pray I did a good job.
6. I LOVE being a Grandma! (and pray I do a good job at that too!)
7. I also LOVED being an Air Force Wife for 26 years.
8. My favorite assignment of all is a tie between Alaska and Florida. Alaska/Florida..figure that one out?
9. While living in Alaska , I became addicted to Stamping!
10. I'm pretty good at "caseing" off of
11. I learned early on that "there are 2 sides to every piece of paper".
12. I so ADMIRE my friend Shelly and all the Army wives who have to put up with such long deployments.
13. I spend way too much time on the computer now that I have wireless!
14. I don't miss the alarm going off each and every morning!
15. Winter is NOT my favorite season.
16. I always dreamed of living in a log home on a lake and now feel so Blessed to live in a log sided home within walking distance to a lake!
17. I had my SLR camera for 3 years before I discovered that it has an AUTOMATIC FOCUS button on it! (Thanks Diana and Penny!)
18. I'm the only one in my family in "my right mind" (yes, I'm a lefty)
19. I'm a wino....not really, but a do enjoy a glass, or two...or heck, who counts?
20. I like organization, but I'm not very organized.
21. I HATE Meijer, but still do not miss the commissary.
22. I am very afraid of hights, and like to be on smooth terrain. ( we figured out , while living in AK, that the reason for this must be that I must have been a dall sheep who fell off the mountain in another life!)
23. I'm sick of listening to the "Digital TV transistion" commercials, willl they just switch already!
24. I did not vote for Obama, but I pray he's the greatest president we've ever had, cause we need that now.
25. I can't believe I finally made it to 25!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Monday Morning Blessing
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Learn something new everyday. I'm not sure how many times I've told my kids that, but I know it was LOTS. And I TRY to practice what I preach...TRY. Awhile back I discovered Big Picture Classes and I've taken many classes, taken, but never really completed. I am currently in the middle of several:
Picture Inspiration ~ A different prompt for a photo each week for a year. LOVE THIS! And besides one week, which I'm still struggling with, I'm current with it! (and we're on week 24) YAY!
Finding Photo Freedom~ An effort to create a better life for my photos. This class will end next week, and while I have not kept all 100% with all assignments...I consider it success! With 30 plus years of photo DISorganization..a better life for them won't happen overnight...This class is one of the reasons I've decided to TRY and do a blog again. Last week we were challenged to do two "It all counts! activities, and blogging was one of those. This class, has made it possible for me to keep up with the next class;
The Mother LOAD ~ "Basic Training", leading up to a month of doing a lay out a day~We're in week 6. And I would say I'm about 95% up to date! So loving that I'm scrapping!
Write Now! ~ A speedy Journaling workshop. Just started, I'm totally up to date with it! This class is #2 reason for this blog, Amy, the teacher says " if you’re a writer you have to practice writing. So, I'll practice here.
I'll also share my layouts, my pictures and a little of this and that. I'm learning you know, so we'll see where this goes~
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